Town Board Meetings
2nd Tuesday - 6:30 PM
Meeting dates are subject to change. Watch for agenda postings.
Property Taxes
Tax bills are mailed out in mid-December.
First installments are due on or before January 31.
Pay in person at -
Hamburg Municipal Building
240131 Schoolhouse Lane
Marathon WI 54448
Send check payable to Town of Hamburg along with the stub from the bottom of the tax bill to -
Town of Hamburg
243184 Einert Creek Lane
Athens, WI 54411
Send self-addressed stamped envelope if receipt is requested.
Second installment is payable on or before July 31 to -
Marathon County Treasurer
Lottery Credit —
Find the following Lottery and Gaming Credit forms on the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website.
Form LC-100 - WI Lottery and Gaming Credit Application
Form LC-110 - WI Buyer Lottery and Gaming Credit Application
Form LC-400 - WI Lottery and Gaming Credit Removal Request
If you have questions, email